
FCA will be sponsoring a soccer event on Wednesday, September 19 at 7:00 PM at the hockey arena for students in grades 9-12. Lloyd Arnegard will be the guest speaker. Everyone is welcome!

 Staff, please send October Newsletter articles to the office by this Thursday, September 20.

 Students involved in extra-curricular activities, please sign up to work the Booster Club Turkey Dinner, October 14.  This is a great community service opportunity.  See Mrs. Strand to sign up!!

The One Act Play will be meeting tomorrow morning at 6:30 am.

Homecoming Week starts today with National Honor Society Induction at 2:45, followed by coronation of the Queen and King.  The public is invited to attend! Dress-up days and games are as follows: Today is PJ Day with Egg Toss, Tug of War, and Relay Races (2nd hour). Tuesday is Nerd vs. Jock Day, with PowderPuff Football (3rd hour). Wednesday is UND vs. NDSU Day with Kickball (5th hour). Thursday is Beach vs. Winter Day with PowderPuff Volleyball (1st hour). Friday is Patriot Pride Day with Pep Rally (7th hour). Each class will receive points for percentage of students dressed up AND for placing in the activities.  Show your Patriot Pride!  The winning class will get something special.

At the Homecoming Pep Rally on Friday, the Cheerleaders will be giving out Spirit Awards to both the middle school and high school, and new this year, also to the TEACHERS! So dress up and participate in all activities you can!

Drumline will meet tomorrow morning at 8:00 am.

The Booster Club will be serving Hamburgers, Chips, Bar and Water at the Football game on Friday, starting at 5:00. Cost is $6. All proceeds go to the MPCG Booster Club, proudly supporting all student activities.

Today the JH/JV Football teams play in Hatton, players are dismissed at 3:15, leave time is 3:30. The 5th and 6th Grade Girls Basketball teams play Central Valley today starting at 4:30 at Peter Boe Jr. Elementary. Good luck Patriots!

Today’s menu is Chili with Crackers and a Cheese Slice, Cornbread, and Strawberries.