
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Thursday, September 12, 2019

Encouraging thought of the day: 

“The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.” -Ivy Baker Priest

On the Lunch Menu today: 

Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 

Garlic Toast 


Butterscotch Pudding

Daily Activities:

Select Choir @ MaSU - DIsmiss at 10:30

Weekly Eligibility 4:00pm

JH/C/JVVB @ Park River 4/5/6  - dismiss 2:00 leave 2:10 V

VB @ Park River 7:30 - dismiss 3:35 leave 3:45

JHFB, VFB 3:40, 

XC 4:00, 

Cheer 4:00.

Daily Reminders:

Reminder: If you have been assigned a detention you serve it THE SAME DAY at 3:30, if you don’t attend the 3:30 detention you serve 7:30am the following day. If you miss a detention you will automatically serve double. Please take responsibility to attend your assigned detention hours. I will be coming around this morning to visit with students who missed detention yesterday and this morning. 

SENIORS: The Booster club is looking for students to help October 6th for the Turkey Dinner. Please see Mrs. Strand to sign up! 

Grades 6-7-8 will be NWEA testing this week and next. Please be sure to get a good night's rest and eat a good breakfast!

FFA meeting for anyone in grades 7-12 interested in learning more about FFA or joining FFA! It will be at 3:00pm on Wednesday, September 18 in the Ag Room! 

ENGL 110 with Steven Petherbridge has been cancelled for the rest of this week. Students should work to get caught up on any assignments to date.  No new assignments are provided. Classes will resume next week.

Detention Room/Detention Duty: 

Mrs. Capouch- FACS room