
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Friday, November 15, 2019

Encouraging thought of the day: 

We are so proud of our Lady Patriots! They showed amazing Patriot Pride last night and all through this season! Hold your heads high!

Good luck to our Cheer Team as they compete in Fargo at Fargo North High School tomorrow at competition! The competition starts at 11:00am and they have many entries throughout the day. Come out and support our Patriots! Let’s go ladies, thank you for always cheering us on! 

We will be learning our Mission and reciting it each day once second semester comes:

At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should 

Expect to be CHALLENGED every day

Expect to LEARN every day

Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be

Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed

Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT. 

On the Lunch Menu today: 

Cottage Cheese
Pasta Salad

Daily Activities:

We will have 5-10 minutes of silent reading today at 10:20. Please have your reading materials with you. 

Daily Reminders:

Honor Rolls will be posted today outside of the office for Quarter 1!

The student council is challenging everyone next week to complete one act of kindness each day.  There will be slips of paper taped to your locker each morning.  Once you have completed the act please describe it on that paper and bring it to the office.  We will be making a kindness chain to display in the commons.  Let's see how big we can make the chain.  This is for both middle school and high school.  There will be two separate areas to put your slips as we will make a chain in the middle school and high school.  Good luck on your kindness tasks!!

Did you know, more than 380,000 babies are born prematurely each year?  This Sunday, November 17th, is National Prematurity Awareness Day.  MPCG FBLA is asking everyone to wear Purple on MONDAY to celebrate.

Attention MPCG Speech Team: Practice will begin next Tuesday, Nov. 19th after school @ 4:15 PM on the stage. Can't wait to see you! Come prepared with questions and ideas. New members welcome! 

Letterman jacket order forms are outside the office and you can turn them into the office by Dec. 4th.

Miss Ogburn is looking for consent forms for the upcoming MSU Math Competition from the following students: Saylar Garrett, Laura Sanders, Tatum Mehus, Trevor Mortenson, Anabelle Barker, and Parker Strand. Please get these turned in to her by Monday so we are prepared for our competition Tuesday. Thanks guys!

From Jacobson Studio: Wrestling pictures will be today at Portland at 4 PM. Coaches do have their own envelopes for their athletes for ordering.

School wide Literacy: Please see information from your teacher or on our website. 

Reminder to FCCLA members: Christmas Greens pickup date has been moved to Saturday, Nov 23rd from 1:30-4:00 PM.

Music Coffee Orders - Coffee is in!  Please stop by and pick up your coffee today from Mr. Marquardt. Congratulations to Maggie Palmer, Carissa Mueller and first place winner Kennedy O’Connor for having the most sales!  Please stop by at the end of the day to get your cash prize!

Jr High Girls Basketball will be starting next Monday, November 18th, with practice after school at PBJ. 

The hockey team is looking for a student manager - if interested they can contact Mr. Sola or Dave.  

Awards night for Cross Country has been set for tonight at 6:00 PM at the High School. Awards night for Football will be next Tuesday night at 7:00 PM at the High School. 

Detention Room/Detention Duty: 

Mrs. Kieffer