
FCCLA will meet in the FACS Room on Wednesday, January 16 during Common Time at 3:05pm.

Reminder: Monday, January 21st there will be No School!

Congratulations to the 7th Grade, 8th Grade, and C-Squad Girls Basketball Teams on your victories yesterday! 

This past Saturday, May-Port CG took 8 competitors to the Valley City Speech Meet. They competed against 20 other schools from both Class A and B and the meet had over 450 entries.  Individual results for MPCG are as follows: Kyra Mortenson- 6th in Inform, Lucas Peterson- 8th in Humorous, Malena Twedt & Teri Nelson - 8th in Humorous Duo, and Ava Nelson - 8th in Radio. Way to go Patriots!

Good luck to all the teams competing tonight!
Boys Hockey plays at home against Morris-Benson, game time 7:00.  Pep Band Plays!
Girls Hockey
plays at home in Crookston against Park Rapids, game time 6:00.
7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball play in Park River tonight, 7th Grade game time 4:00 followed by 8th Grade. Students are dismissed at 1:45 PM.
JV and Varsity Girls Basketball also play in Park River tonight, JV game time is 6:00 followed by the Varsity.
Let’s Go Patriots!

Today’s menu is Taco Salad, Corn, and Frozen Peaches.