
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Encouraging thought of the day: 

Great effort by the Boys hockey team last night! So fun to watch you! You will continue to improve as the season goes on! 

We will be learning our Mission and reciting it each day once second semester comes:

At May-Port CG our Mission is C.L.E.A.R and every student can and should 

Expect to be CHALLENGED every day

Expect to LEARN every day

Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be

Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed

Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT. 

On the Lunch Menu today: 

Chicken Teriyaki on Sub bun
Stir Fry Vegetables
Fortune Cookie

Daily Activities:

11:00 MaSU Visit
Middle School Collaboration 3:00
3:00 Mrs. Blotsky meet with JH Student Council in the Auditorium
Middle School Fall Concert 7:00pm
It’s GAME DAY WOOO! Girls Hockey v. Jamestown 7pm @ Kim Braaten
We will silent read the last 10 minutes OF FIRST HOUR today!
GBB 4:00, JHGBB 6:15am, 
BH 4:00, Wrestling 4:10, Speech 4:00

Daily Reminders:


Any Senior looking for community service hours - the office has a project for 3 to 4 students to hang Christmas lights for a senior citizen in the community.  Please stop by the office to get the info!

REMINDER! You are only allotted 10 absences A SEMESTER! If YOU DO NOT HAVE A MEDICAL EXCUSE any other absence counts against your 10 days. Our policy states that YOU WILL LOSE CREDIT in your semester class if you are missing more than 10 days. PLEASE BE AWARE! Mrs. Blotsky will be calling home to visit with parents about absenteeism. 

NO HOODS! Please keep your hood off of your head during the school day. Thank you for your cooperation! 

Any students wishing to stay after school to get caught up on work, or just to take care of your daily work prior to going home. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO STAY! Let Mrs. Blotsky know if you need a place to work.

Concert Reminder: The 6-8th grade band and choirs will be performing TONIGHT in the high school gym at 7:00PM. The students should be in the music room warming up by 6:40 PM. Remember to dress up for the concert and make plans to stay for the entire time.  Families with last names N-Z are asked to bring a dozen bars or treats to serve after the concert. Contact Mr. Marquardt with any questions!

Girls Basketball is looking for someone to help with stats for the season.  Please see Coach Ben or Mr. Sola if interested!

JUNIORS: The Post-Prom Committee is looking for 6-8 volunteers to do face painting at Winterfest this year.  Face painting will be done at the Goose River Bank on Dec 13 from 5:00-6:30PM. Please sign up by December 1st.  The sign-up sheet is in the office.  The money raised will go towards the post-prom party.

Sophomores and Seniors: The Jostens rep will be here on December 5th. He will meet with the Senior class officers at 1:00 PM, followed by the entire Senior class at 1:15 PM in the auditorium. Following the Senior meeting, the Sophomore class will meet with him at the start of 7th hour (2:07), also in the auditorium. Attendance at this meeting is mandatory!  Please be sure to plan ahead for OWE or STW.

It’s time to JAM again!! We will celebrate this holiday season by going on a bus trip to Red Ray Lanes in GF for an evening of Cosmic Bowling!!  Plan to attend on Saturday, Dec 7th from 9:30pm-11:30pm.  We will leave from Mayville Lutheran Church at 8:15 pm and return by 1am. This is open to all students in 6-12th grade. You must sign up to reserve a spot, deadline is Dec 5th.  Cost is $5.  Pizza will be provided, however if you want anything from concessions, bring extra money.  Text Tami at 218-686-5479 to sign up and for any questions. 

Letterman jacket order forms are outside the office and you can turn them into the office by Dec. 4th.

Detention Room/Detention Duty: 

Mr. Kunkel