
July 8, 2020


May-Port CG Families,


Last March, Governor Burgum closed schools for in-person instruction due to concerns about COVID-19.  He directed schools to serve their students via distance learning “until further notice”.


We are in frequent contact with the ND Department of Public Instruction and the Governor’s Office trying to find out what schools will be allowed to do in August. 

·  At this time, we do not know if students will be allowed to return. 

·  If they are allowed to return, will class-size caps and social distancing guidelines be in place? 

·  If so that may force us to limit the number of students who can attend school each day? 

·  Will schools still have the authority to offer distance learning classes to our students who have been identified as high risk by a medical-professional?


It is our hope that the Guidelines we need to follow will be released by mid-July.  Once those guidelines are released we will share the educational plan for this fall.


We know how difficult this uncertainty is for many of you.  Rest assured that as soon as we have guidance from the state, we will communicate our plan.  If you have specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me Michael Bradner, Superintendent (701)788-2281





Michael K. Bradner
