
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, November 18th

Encouraging thought of the day: 

Gratitude Challenge: 
An item you use everyday. 

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Hotdog on a Bun *50¢ for seconds
Calico Beans
Sliced Oranges

Daily Activities: 

There are no practices after school

Daily Reminders:

Congratulations to following May-Port CG Football players for making All-Region and All-State teams! 1st Team All-Region: Sawyer Satrom, Jordan Evans, Logan Krueger, Christian Cantore, Ethan Bergstrom.  2nd Team All-Region: Zach Kville, Lucas Fugleberg, Andrew Aarsvold.  All-State Honorable Mention: Logan Krueger.  All-State: Sawyer Satrom. And a BIG CONGRATS to Sawyer Satrom for being awarded the Region 1 Senior Athlete of the Year!!  

Congratulations to our One-Act Play team! They placed 7th in competition. Big congrats to Alexis Morowski, who received Honorable Mention Superior Actor, and Ilanora Peterson, who won Superior Actor! It was well-deserved! 

6th and 7th graders have received their Chromebooks. Mr. Torgeson has a video that each 6th and 7th grade homeroom needs to show this morning. Teachers, please take time today to walk your students through Schoology, their email, edmentum, etc. thank you! 

Friday Early Release Incentive Permission Forms are due to Mrs. Blotsky by Friday at 10:00am. You can place signed forms in the basket outside of the front office. 

Due to ND Gov. Burgum’s order to suspend all extracurricular K-12 school activities until Dec. 14th, all practices scheduled to start this week have been canceled.  Please contact the school with any questions.

Hats and/or hoods are NOT to be worn in the building. If you are seen with a hat or hood on it will be confiscated and you will serve a detention.

Students who need in-town bussing please talk with Mr. Bradner if you have any questions.

We have moved to a MODIFIED yellow. This means we will be staying in school, but you are required to be masked at all times. 

PATRIOTS GIRLS/BOYS BASKETBALL is now open! Find items that coaches picked out specifically for our team. There is also spirit wear available for your family and friends. Check out the shop details below.


    - Shop Now:

    - Store Open From: November 10 - November 23, 2020

 Attention FCCLA Members!: Our Christmas Greens will be available for pickup at Countryside Creations this Friday (all day) and Saturday (9:00 AM-12:00 noon)! Please be ready to pick up your greens during those times and deliver them to their respective customers! If you have not collected the payment for greens, be sure to collect that when delivered! Your order forms are at Countryside Creations. Any questions or concerns, please let Mrs. Capouch or Miss Ogburn know!

Attention FFA Members: There will be a chapter meeting today at 8:30am in the Auditorium! 

 Detention is in the Auditorium everyday after school. Mr. Kunkel is the detention monitor this week. 

Please remember to take your masks home daily and return with a clean one each day!