
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Monday, March 15th

Encouraging thought of the day: 

“I do the best I know how, the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing it to the end.” – Abraham Lincoln

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Chicken Cordon Bleu Hotdish
Chocolate Tart
Sliced Oranges

Daily Activities: 

Girls Hockey practice 3:45
Cheer practice 4:00 in Portland
Track practice 3:45
Boys Basketball awards 7:00
JO Volleyball practice 7:00 @ PBJ

Daily Reminders:

Congratulations to the speech team on an awesome meet last weekend! The results are as follows:

Lily Moch - 1st in Serious, 1st in Poetry
Ava Nelson - 3rd in Serious Duo, 1st in Radio
Teri Nelson - 1st in Humorous Duo, 3rd in Serious Duo
Malena Twedt- 1st in Humorous Duo, 1st in Serious Duo
Lucas Peterson - 1st in Serious Duo
Jacob Berg - 8th in Humorous, 5th in Humorous Duo
Maggie Palmer - 5th in Humorous Duo

National Reading Month: Don’t forget 10 minutes of silent reading at the start of every period! Your homeroom doors will be judged on Wednesday during Homeroom! REMEMBER the class who reads the most pages this month will win an ice cream party at the end of the month!

Middle School- NO PHONES during the day. Please put your phones up or they will be taken and you will serve a detention. You may not keep your phones with you throughout the day. 

Sign up sheets for Boys / Girls Golf, Softball, and Jr High Track are outside the office!

There will be a Prom Decorating Meeting tomorrow in the Auditorium at 8:00am! This meeting is for Juniors and Seniors only. Please attend!

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Luther Memorial Home is looking for individuals to become Certified Nursing Aides and Transport Aides.  Classes start on March 29th.  See the bulletin board by Mrs.Strand’s room for more information.

*The MayPort Community Club is searching for volunteers for their drive through Easter event on Sunday, March 28. Volunteers will hand out treat bags to families (while wearing a mask and bunny ears). Shifts are 12:30-2 and 2-3:30. Anyone interested can contact Meghan Hovde for more questions or to volunteer.  
*Volunteers are needed to help with food and prizes at the annual Gun Raffle benefiting Mayville Fire & Rescue, held this Saturday, March 20th from 5pm-9pm.  Contact Angie Lande if interested @ 701-361-2610.

There will be a baseball player / parent meeting Tuesday, March 16th at 6:00pm in the HS Auditorium. 

Attention FFA Members: There is a chapter meeting this Wednesday, March 17th at 2:05pm in the Auditorium! 

The sign-up for Driver’s Ed is now available outside of the office.  Classes are tentatively scheduled to start the first week of June.  You must have your permit prior to classes starting to attend Driver’s Ed. The cost is $175 for any May-Port CG student entering High School, or $300 for any other eligible student, payable to May-Port CG.  Payment is due by the first day of class. See Mrs. Strand with any questions!

Prom Tickets: You may get your prom tickets for Grand March in the office. GRAND MARCH WILL BE LIVE STREAMED. You may have 2 tickets per person. IF you have a situation where you have a mixed family (step-parents) and you need more than 2 tickets, please see Mrs. Blotsky. Tickets are $3 / person.

Detention: Mrs. Hanson