
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Thursday, April 29th

Encouraging thought of the day: 

“The universe is always speaking to us through little messages, coincidences, and synchronicities that remind us to stop, look around, and be present.”

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Hamburger on a Bun 50¢ seconds
Baked Beans

Daily Activities: It’s game day!!!

Baseball v. FSHP (Double Header) 4:00 dismiss 2:40 
Softball v. Dakota Prairie (Northwood) 4:00 dismiss 2:05 leave 2:15
Boys Golf home @ Mayville Golf Course 10am


Track practice 3:45 
JH Track practice 3:45
JH Baseball practice 6:30am @ Arena
JH Softball practice 4:00 @ HS
Girls Golf practice 3:45
Middle School concert 7:00

Daily Reminders:

Middle School Night of the Arts: The 6-8th grade band and choir concert will be tonight at 7:00.  Students should arrive in the music room by 6:40, dressed up.  Middle School art work will also be on display in the commons.

SENIOR PHOTOS: Also, the following students have not turned in photos for the senior slideshow: Hailey Berg, Chloe Cordahl, Jacob Gunderson, Jonah Hodges, Gracy Leland, and Mason Wengeler.  Please take care of getting these to Mr. Torgeson ASAP!

Dual Credit paperwork is in the office for next Fall. Once you have it filled out please bring it to Mrs. Blotsky. These are due tomorrow

CIVICS TEST: Any Seniors who need to retake the Civics Test, you need to talk to Mr. Hanson. Reminder you must pass this test to graduate! 

SENIORS: Community Service hours for the month of MAY are due TOMORROW by 4:00pm 

FFA Members: State FFA Convention forms and money are due to Mrs. Kieffer by tomorrow! State FFA Convention is open to all members in grades 7-12. Please see Mrs. Kieffer with any questions! 

Detention: Mrs. Blotsky