
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, May 19th

Encouraging thought of the day: 

“Storms make trees take deeper roots.” -Dolly Parton

Periods 2/4/6/HR today.

Finals scheduled today; World History, Sociology, 3D Art, Applied Math, BCA, Crafts, Law and Justice, English 10, Anatomy and Physiology, Algebra I, and Family Living. 

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!

Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

Chicken Teriyaki over Rice

Daily Activities: 

Track practice 3:45
Baseball practice 3:45 
Softball practice 3:45
Boys Golf practice @ course 4:00
Girls Golf practice in Northwood with F/S dismiss 3:00 leave 3:10

Senior Recognition Night 6:30 in the Auditorium
Baccalaureate @ Ebenezer Lutheran Brethren 7:30

Daily Reminders:

Finals begins today and continues through Monday, please make sure to check your email for the schedule if you are unsure. The schedule is also posted on the website and is posted outside of the office!

Attention FFA Members: Our last FFA Chapter Meeting will be today at 2:05 in the auditorium!

The Senior Recognition Night and Baccalaureate Service will be held today, May 19th.  The public is welcome to attend! The Senior recognition program starts at 6:30 in the HS Auditorium, followed by the baccalaureate service at 7:30 at Ebenezer Lutheran Brethren Church. 

Friday May 21st is MPCG FFA’s first “Drive your tractor to school” day! Any student with a driver's license can participate. Please park in the gravel areas of the parking lot and park appropriately! Any questions please see Mrs. Kieffer

WORK DEADLINE: All work/tests/quizzes must be completed and submitted to your teachers by 3:30 next Tuesday, May 25, for credit. No work will be accepted after this point. 

The football team is searching for people who would be interested in taking stats or filming games for the upcoming fall season.  If you are interested in either of these opportunities please let Mr. Sola as soon as possible.

A reminder to football players: please get your summer camp registration forms for team camp and 7 on 7 turned in to Mr. Sola before you leave school for the summer. Team camp registration forms are outside the office.

Volleyball camp forms are due this week to Mrs. Hanson.  VB forms for grades 2nd - 11th are available outside the HS office if you didn't get one.

Junior High Softball Uniform Turn-In will be this Friday, May 21st during first period. Please have jerseys washed before turning them in!

Reminder to all students:  gym lockers need to be cleaned out by Monday, May 24th.

If students have prescription and/or non prescription medication kept at the school, please make arrangements to take those medications home. Medicine is not kept at the school over the summer and all leftover medication will be destroyed. 

Students who will be going into 7th grade and 11th grade are due for vaccinations before the start of the 2021-2022 school year. If you have questions, please contact Kari Satrom.

FBLA Members:  Tomorrow night at 7:30 pm will be our Awards Banquet in the HS Commons.  Food will be provided!  This event is for members only so please RSVP on the Event in Schoology.  If you have questions, please see Mr. Torgeson or Mrs. Strand!

Children’s Theatre - Save the Date!!  Children’s Theatre is back this summer!! Missoula Children’s Theatre will be bringing their directors here for the week of June 7 – 12. The show: “The Snow Queen” Young people entering 1st grade through 12th grade are welcome. Auditions will be at Old Main Theatre at Mayville State starting at 10 am on Monday June 7th. Rehearsals will run Tuesday through Friday from 10 am to 2:15 pm! Performances are set for Saturday, the 12th at 10 am and 1 pm. For further information contact the committee members: Samantha DeLong 701-436-6143, Jody Stevens 701-430-3727, Teresa Agnes 701-436-6404.

Traill District Health Unit is having a babysitting class June 10 in the basement of the Goose River Bank-Mayville. Registration at 8:45 am with class starting promptly at 9:00. We will be done by 2:00 p.m. There will be 2–10-minute breaks along with a ½ hour lunch break, so bring you own lunch. Cost is $20. We will cover child nutrition, fire safety, shaken baby, poison safety, first aid, and responsibilities of a babysitter, infant care and feeding. Call Traill District Health Unit @ 701-636-4434 to register by June 4. Class size is limited to 25. Pre-registration is required. 

Detention: Mr. Sola