
Daily Announcements MPCG

Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Encouraging Thought of the Day:

“True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice.” -Ben Johnson

Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Every student can and should 
Expect to be CHALLENGED every day
Expect to LEARN every day
Expect to be EMPOWERED every day, and to be the best student you can be
Expect to receive ASSISTANCE when needed
Expect to be given RESPECT and to give RESPECT in return. 

Lunch Menu:

General Tso's Chicken
Rice Stir Vegetables

Daily Activities:

V/JV/C VB 6:15AM
V FB 3:35
JH VB no practice
JH FB no practice

Congrats to our C/JV/V Volleyball on their awesome victories over Enderlin last night! Keep it up, Patriots!

Daily Reminders:

Congratulations: Our 2021-2022 Class Officers/Representatives

President: Anna Strand
Vice President: Ilanora Peterson

President: Brooklyn Groth
Vice President: Kate Bradner
Secretary/Treasurer: Maci Moellenkamp

President: Rylee Satrom
Vice President: Maysa Larson
Secretary/Treasurer: Danica Hanson

President: Parker Strand
Vice President: Emma Docktor
Secretary/Treasurer: Evelyn Koshney

8th Grade-
Taylor Anderson
Jacob McClenahen
Hannah Ostlie

7th Grade-
Aaden Aarsvold
Zoey Mehus
Camden Ree
Audrey Ringler

6th Grade- 
Bricker Johnson
Abby Sand
Audrina Schreiner
Jens Twedt

Class meetings this morning at 10:14 Mrs. T will be distributing information for Homecoming that you will review as a class. Please have your newly elected officers and representatives lead your meetings! Please report to the following classrooms for your meeting. If you do not have enough space, please head to a more open space to meet. This is a large group meeting, remember, it is recommended to mask in large groups. 

6th Grade — Gapp
7th Grade — Johnson
8th Grade — E. Hanson
9th Grade — Andersson
10th Grade — S. Hanson
11th Grade — Sola
12th Grade — Kunkel

WEEKLY ELIGIBILITY: will come out today after 10:00am. Dual Credit students please report your grades. 

Library Remediation will be posted today if you are assigned a REMEDIATION time REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL BEFORE LUNCH TODAY! If you are failing a course or having missing work you will be assigned to a remediation time. 

Attendance: reminder students may miss 10 days a semester or 20 days a year without penalty to class credit. If you are absent due to medical reasons please provide a medical note to excuse those days. If you have missed 5 days or more so far this year please know you will receive a letter in the mail updating you on attendance information. Thank you!

Calling all 7th and 8th graders! The first ever FBLA Middle Level meeting will be tomorrow morning at 8AM in the auditorium! Come see what FBLA is all about and join the fun!

Tomorrow, Thurs Sept 9, will be the celebration of National Read a Book Day in the Library! Come in and enjoy hot chocolate as you read your book from 7:45am to 8:20am!

Auditions for the One Act Play “The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza” will be next week at these times in the auditorium:  Monday, September 13 at 8AM and again at 4pm; Tuesday, September 14 at 8AM. This is a comedy and will be performed for competition on November 4. All students in grades 7-12 are welcome to audition for an on-stage role or for tech roles. See Mrs. Paschke with questions. 

The 6th grade will be hosting a Grandparents Day celebration this Friday, September 10th, starting at 1:30pm in the Middle School. Contact Mrs. Kunkel with any questions!

Grades 6-12 Student Backpacks: backpacks must stay in your locker. Due to space and tripping issues in the classrooms please use your lockers to store your backpacks. 

Covid-19 Health Safety Update:

MPCG in accordance with CDC guidelines strongly encourages students and staff to begin masking in all indoor spaces. This is not a mask mandate, however we need to slow the spread of illness within our school and remember we are still in a world pandemic.  We also believe that the following guidelines can also help us from making a mask mandate.

Mask, Test or Go Home/Stay Home Guidelines 

* Guidelines for students who show any signs of illness

  • Masks will be kept in all classrooms (students may bring a mask of their own to keep in case)

  • If a student shows any symptoms, they will be asked to put on a mask and will wear it the rest  of the day and for as long as they come to school with any symptoms. (Staff will communicate with the office if they give a sick student a mask.)

  • If the student showing symptoms chooses not to mask, they will either go home or have the option to take a covid test with the School Nurse WITH PARENTAL CONSENT.

  • Parents may bring a doctor’s note if needed to communicate the student's symptoms as an illness related to allergies or other non contagious illnesses.

  • Students can return to school once symptoms resolve or have proof of a negative covid test or may continue to come to school wearing a mask until symptoms resolve.

  • Covid positive students must stay home and follow their isolation guidelines as directed by Traill County Health.

Thank you for helping to keep us in school!!!!! 

The next meeting of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes is this Sunday at 4:00 starting at the Portland Softball complex.  Please sign up in the office.

SENIORS: Community Service Opportunities:
1. Galesburg ND Community Park is looking for volunteers for the 1st Annual Pork Butt Competition on September 25, 2021. Please contact Nikki at (701) 430-9704 or Casey at (701) 650-8812 for more information.
2. SENIORS: Community Service Opportunity! Help is needed at the Mayville State Farmer’s Bowl 5K fun run! The run begins at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 18. Please contact Beth at 701-788-4750 for more information.
3. Seniors, just a reminder that there is a sign-up in the office to sell Booster Club raffle tickets for the quilt drawing, to be held during the VB game on Oct 25th! The volunteering time can be applied to your community service hours!

The football team is searching for people interested in taking video or doing stats for this season.  If you are interested please talk to Mr. Sola as soon as possible.

Anyone interested in helping with volleyball stats, please talk to Mrs. Hanson.

Detention: Mrs. Capouch

REMINDERS: Today, Wednesday Sept 8th, is an early release day with student dismissal at 1:45 PM.  Middle School / High School pictures are on Friday, September 10th!